Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sunday Paper Blooper.

Every Sunday, hubby walks down to the super market and buys The Sunday Mail. When I started to read the TV programme guide, I noticed it was much smaller than last week's. I thought nothing of it, except thinking they had done a revamp of it. I thought it was a good idea, as it had been too big and cumbersome, and the cross word too hard to handle.
I go through the guide and hilight the week's prorammes I watch for the upcoming week. It is easier for me to find them, if they are hilighted, as I have very poor eyesight. I then put my specs on and check the times, so I can set the VCR. It is a good practice, especially if I want to watch something other than the usual programmes, or I miss it and then get mad and disappointed. I noticed that there were no programmes for our regional WIN TV station. Not happy. Then I read the wedding page, and thought it strange that there were only weddings from Victorian towns in it, with no description of the brides gowns.
It was only when I read the real estate page, which The Sunday Mail does not have, and there were only houses in Victoria for sale, and I looked for the email address, so I could send them an email and ask why the changes had been made , and to our disadvantage, that the penny dropped. I looked at the front of the paper, and sure enough, it is not our usual paper, but The Herald Sun on Sunday, a Victorian equivalent of ours! Now someone, no names, no pack drill, will have to go and buy the right paper. Duh!


Hammy said...

I think you'll find the Herald Sun is a much better paper though. Great football coverage and not just localised parochial rubbish.

Susan Ham said...

Maybe, but I need my local programmes, and am not interested in sport.