Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My little puddytat.

I have a cat whose name is Eddie. She (yes, she) has been part of this household since Dec.1994, when she and her brother Tiger, came here with my daughter, when she moved back in after she broke up with her boyfriend, and she had nowhere else to go. Eddie was only two months old and so small she could fit in the palm of my hand, and my hands are not very big. I had no hand in naming Eddie, as she was my daughter's cat and she decided to name her Eddie. I did ask her why, and she said she had always wanted to have a female cat with a male name?? When my daughter found somewhere to live, Eddie had bonded so strongly to me, that I refused to let her go. Deb took Tiger though.
Eddie has enjoyed very good health and lots of love and care from me.
Four years ago she became very ill, and it took nearly two years to return her to health. She has been well ever since. But, last week she was off her tucker, and , as it was the Easter weekend, I had to wait until yesterday to get her to the vet. The vet checked her out and said she seemed OK,but took blood and had it tested. I got the results today. Eddie does not have cancer, but her Thyroid gland is way out of whack.The reading is very high. She must be feeling dreadful, but she looks alright.
I asked the vet what treatments were available and she said there were three options:- 1. we could take her to Melbourne so she could have radiation treatment, This would cost thousands. :-2 we could take her to Adelaide so she could have the thyroid operated on, but there are side effects and risks involved.:3 we could give her tablets every day for the rest of her life. I chose this option, as it is within my financial scope.I picked up the tablets and they cost $35.00 for fifty, and she will need another blood test in three weeks. As she will need two tablets a day, I will have to renew them every three weeks. I was informed there are side effects to the medication too, but that will be monitored.
I know there are many who would not understand my going to so much trouble and expense over a cat, and would have had her euthanased, but. she is just as much my mate as your dogs, or other pets. She is old for a cat,(13) but I would do no less for any animal or human, for that matter. I will do anything to make her last days as happy and stress free as possible. It is not much to ask for all the years of companionship and devotion she has given me.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Social Pariahs.

It is with some misgivings I use this space to add my thoughts about Wayne Carey. I wonder if it is a good use of this space, considering I think he is getting more than adequate coverage in the tabloids.
I can not for the life of me understand why people like him are feted in the press, and paid handsomely for the priivilege no doubt, He was interviewed by a mass produced women's magazine, and now, is to appear on Enough Rope. What is it about these 'fallen heroes' that is so fascinating?
The guy is out of control in so many aspects of his life. A life we don't really need, or for my part, want to know about. He needs some anger management counseling. He is reported to be a woman beater, drug user and drunk.
How long can he live off his celebraty? He is a private citizen now, let him and what he does in private, stay there please. I think there is something rather tacky and distasteful about promoting these people. The guy needs help. I just hope he realizes it and does something about it, soon.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I say, I say, I say, did you hear the one about.......?

A funny thing happened this morning when my mate Sue and I went to the nondenominational church service at Charla Lodge.
I went in through the door in to the activity centre, as I needed to go to the loo, and we are not allowed to use any in Charla. This meant I did not enter from the usual direction, the front door of Charla Lodge.
Gwen, one of the residents,a lovely lady, greeted me and asked me where my 'mother' was today. I, being the possessor of a 'wicked' sense of humour, cracked up laughing, and said Sue was my mate, not my mother. Sue was absolutely horrified that anyone would think she is old enough to be my mum.
Now, Sue was born in October 1949, and is therefore younger than I am, by a year and nine months. She is however, completely gray, and her face is much more heavily lined than mine. That notwithstanding, she does not look THAT old!
My Mum may be nearly 84, but even she does not look old enough to be the mother of two women in their early sixties.
Sue was SO overcome with horror, she went on and on about it, until I told her to give over. I, however, think it is the biggest hoot and can not stop laughing about it. I asked her what she was most upset about, that someone thought she was old enough to be my mum, or, the thought of me as a daughter.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Make up your mind,'Sam".

It has been widely reported in the media, that 'Sam Newman has prostate cancer. This is not good, and, even though he is not one of my favourite people on the box, I sincerely wish him a speedy recovery.

His mate, Eddie McGuire, wrote an article in today's paper, telling us how 'Sam' broke the news to him and one of channel nine's producers. Now I ask you, was that really necessary? This is a private matter and should have remained so. He said that 'Sam' had wanted no fuss or publicity, and was even contemplating going to the U.S.A. for the surgery, just to keep a lid on it. Now, this is where they have lost me. If that were so, why the report at all? And, why did 'Sam' have the channel nine cameras rolling all through the operation?
Is this just 'Sam's' huge ego in play, or hypocrisy at it's worst? Is his 'mate' trying to make mileage out of his mate's predicament? I think the only good that may come out of this whole sad story, is, more men will drop their reluctance and their pants, and get checked by their doctor. If only one man's life is saved by this, great.I can forgive them both for that.

Germaine Greer. Pooh to you.

There is an editorial by Germaine Greer in today's Sunday Mail, giving her opinion of Adelaide. She says , it is a 'good hearted little town, not overburdened with imagination'. My first reaction when I read the headline on the front cover was, "Who gives a damn what you think?" "I will give you 50 cents so you can go tell someone who does." I think this person is a vitriolic, vituperate viper, who is too enamoured of herself, and should get over herself.I think, Germaine, you should live by one of my late father's maxims:- if you can't say something nice about someone or something, say nothing at all.We humans do not appreciate being slapped around and demeaned all the time. Try saying something helpful encouraging or kind.It is not altogether a bad thing for us to stay in our comfort zones sometimes, although, I do not think it is good for us to be lazy or inert.
A person's character shows in their faces, and this person's countenance is very forbidding and harsh. She is a very negative person on the whole, and it shows in her face.
There is nothing wrong with Adelaide! The fact that it is my capital city not withstanding, I prefer it to any other city I have visited in this country, apart from Townsville. Adelaide is still my first choice. It probably is a bit parochial, but I would rather it be that way than end up like Chicago, New York City or even London.I think it could hold it's own with any of them.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Can I spot a bargain, or can I spot a bargain?

Just over two weeks ago, after we had had lunch at the pub, I walked to the curtain and blind shop to see if they had any specials. I was not intending to buy anything, but, could not resist it when I saw some lovely burgundy curtain fabric out for $5.00m. as it was the last of it on the roll.
I bought five metres, and had it sent away to be made up. I went there again yesterday, to make a payment off the cost of having them made. I was very pleasantly surprised to know they were back, and, it was only going to cost me $66.00 for the making up. That is of course, the princely sum of $91.00 all up! Now, is that a bargain or what? The curtains look wonderful, as I expected them too, as I have had some done through these people before.
The next thing is to get the Man about the House to hang them for me. This will be a major undertaking, as I have a queen sized bed, in a room that really only has room for a double bed. The bed head is across the window, therefore, he will need to move the bed and head board to do the job. I will take the opportunity to vacuum at the same time. The curtains have block out backing, which is why I decided to do this now. I am hoping it will allow me to sleep later than the crack of dawn.
The young woman who served me yesterday, said I could take the curtains, but I was reluctant to do that until I had paid for them. Just then the boss came back, and she asked him if if would be OK for me to take them. He said,"Yeah. I know where she lives." I thanked him and told him he was a cheeky sod.