Sunday, April 23, 2006

Crime is not for the fainthearted!

I was talking to my aunt tonight, and she told me about her daughter and her fella,who live out of town, and how they had been having trouble with thieves stealing fuel from their bowser. They have two medium sized dogs, which they normally keep inside at night. I think they must have had a good inckling as to who was flogging their fuel, so one night, they chained both dogs up, just within reach of the bowser. Sure enough, in the wee small hours, the thief came again. Took the top off the bowser, then suddenly, whoomp, one of the dogs landed in the middle of his back. There was much consternation from his family, and many nasty things said. One being the obvious, 'You'll have to have the dogs put down.' The police said, as he had not been bitten, that would not be happening, and please explain what you were doing out there at that time of night! Most of the locals have been very supportive, and made comments to the effect, 'So, you fixed that theiving (bloke's name) have you? '

Friday, April 21, 2006

That Riley Boy!

My son said we have to watch what we say, as you never know who knows who. It is also true, we need to be very careful what we say in front of children. With video games etc, it is very hard for kids to get a proper sense of reality and perspective on life.
My three year old grandson, Riley, is finding it hard to understand/believe what he is told about anything. He is going through a phase where he contradicts everything we say. F'rinstance:- this morning, he and I were sitting in his mum's car and we started talking about people's names. I told him my name is Susan, 'No it's not, it's Nan". I said it is, and he was having none of that. Deb's friend, Kylie got in the car, and I told her he didn't believe me, and she told him, it is true. 'No it's not'. Kylie said everybody had a Nan. Even she had one,though she was not around anymore." Where is she?" I said she went to heaven. "Is she dead?" "Yes". said Kylie. "Who killed her?" "Nobudy killed her, She just got old, and wore out".
Video games have a lot to answer for.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

He's at it , again!

This evening, our daughter rang and asked if I knew if some local farmers still sold bags of potatoes
She said the school was selling 50kg bags of spuds, for $45.00 as a fundraiser. She wanted to know if we could get them cheaper. I did some ringing around, and discovered that one farmer had one bag left, and they were $15.00. I said we would take them, and come out after dinner, and collect them. Neville had bought 10kgs from the super market, for $7.00, and is NOT impressed! I rang our daughter back, and she said she would be happy to go halves with us. She will sell half of them to her friend.
We duly tootled out to pick them up, but when we got going in the car, there was a noise, as though a piece of wire was caught on the car somewhere, and it was banging in the wind. Neville stopped the car and had a quick look, and found nothing. We set off again, but it was still making the noise. He pulled up further along and got out to have a proper look. Still could not find the source of the noise. It was nearly dark by now, but we continued on our way. Suddenly, he said, "I know what it is. I have left the other key in the door!" This key has a piece of tin on it, so he knows what it is for, as he has many keys for the car and the farm. He wound his window down and pulled it out of the door. Problem solved!

More funny things husbands do.

I do wish I could video some of the things my husband does. This morning, he asked in a roundabout way, if I would like him to trim the Ivy back. After his efforts in trimming my Bouganvillia to near anihilation, I made sure he knew EXACTLY how far he could trim it back! While I was in the shower, which took all of three minutes, he had trimmed it back. While I was sitting on the verandah, waiting for my friend Sue to come and pick me up so we could go down to the shops, he started to put the Ivy into the wheelie bin, He came over and picked up the step stool and took it back to the bin. I jokingly said was he going to push the Ivy down, thinking he would use the step stool to do it. He said of course he was, how else was he going to fit it in. He then proceeded to climb onto the step stool and into the bin, to press the stuff down. Some mother's do 'ave 'em!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Party, Party, Party.

We don't travel at Easter, as a rule, but this year my elder sister's 60th birthday was on Good Friday. He son and his wife put on a Bruch party for her on the Saterday. We travelled to Adelaide on the friday, and went to see my mother, and take her some home made Apricot jam, and some Easter eggs. (Red Tulip, of course) My mother is recovering from knee replacement surgery, and is not very well. Her knee is still very swollen, and she is still in considerable pain. I made us a cup of tea and we stayed and chatted for about an hour and a half, then we went to my friend, Lesley's place as we were staying the night. If we lived closer, we would have gone down on the morning of the party, but it would have been too much for me. We would have had to get up very early, as it is a three hour drive, and the Brunch was at 10.30 am. Neville wanted to stop at our daughter's for a while anyway, as he wanted her to give him a much needed hair cut. She would NOT have appreciated being hauled out of bed at 6,30 am!
I tried, several times, ringing my friend to let her know we were on the way, but she didn't answer.
When we got there, she was surprised to see us and said the phone had not rung. I tried it with my mobile, and it was dead. I reported it, and hopefully it will be repaired today.
My friends from Queensland have just arrive. See ya later.

The Funny things Husbands Do.

As I am not able any more to do gardening, I get my husband to do the few tasks I require. I bought some Spring flowering bulbs, and wanted them planted in large pots. I already had the pots, and Neville put some soil in the top and mixed it through. It will hold the moisture better than just potting mix. As one of the packs of bulbs had four different kinds in it, he came in and asked me if I had a 'new one of these.' He was holding a green hilighter. I asked him what he wanted it for, and he said he needed to write on the pots so we will know what bulbs are in which pot. I gave him a black marker instead. I had a look yesterday afternoon, to see what each pot had in it, only to discover he had written,Fulham Favourites, on all of them.That is the brand name, so I am none the wiser as to the contents.