Wednesday, April 19, 2006

More funny things husbands do.

I do wish I could video some of the things my husband does. This morning, he asked in a roundabout way, if I would like him to trim the Ivy back. After his efforts in trimming my Bouganvillia to near anihilation, I made sure he knew EXACTLY how far he could trim it back! While I was in the shower, which took all of three minutes, he had trimmed it back. While I was sitting on the verandah, waiting for my friend Sue to come and pick me up so we could go down to the shops, he started to put the Ivy into the wheelie bin, He came over and picked up the step stool and took it back to the bin. I jokingly said was he going to push the Ivy down, thinking he would use the step stool to do it. He said of course he was, how else was he going to fit it in. He then proceeded to climb onto the step stool and into the bin, to press the stuff down. Some mother's do 'ave 'em!

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