Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Frugal Bastard was right! How 'bout that?

Nearly a month ago, it was my birthday, once again. My lovely son, as indicated in the title of this post, generously gave me some money, and said he would like me to take myself and a friend, (and his father) out to lunch to celebrate. I spent the actual day driving to and from and around Adelaide, so did not have the opportunity to be taken out for a meal.
I said at the time, that I would keep it in a safe place, and that it would not melt if I did not use it straight away. He agreed with me on that score.
A few days ago I was going through my purse, getting rid of unwanted receipts etc, when I came upon the money. I had to think for a minute as to why it was there and what I was to do with it.
The 'penny dropped' quite quickly, and I asked my mate Sue yesterday, if she would like to come with us for a meal today.
We three had lunch at the Bordertown Hotel. It was quite nice. For a change. Neville and Sue had the fish and I had, wait for it, crumbed Turkey chops!
There was much speculation and hilarity about how they could get chops from a turkey!
It was, I believe, meat from the thigh of the bird, as it was dark meat and a bit sinewy. Most of it was very nice. My salad and their veges were uninspiring, but quite edible.
We had a choice for dessert of fruit pudding, custard and cream, or, Sago and peaches. Sue had the Sago and we had the pudding.
Thank you dear boy for my celebration lunch and the fun we all had as well.
Frugal was correct. Money does not actually 'melt', though it does tend to disappear rapidly.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Funny Bugger!

My mate Sue and I have great times together. We 'send each other up' something chronic, all the time. I try to make her laugh whenever we meet, as her life has a lot of tension in it, most of the time. I rang her at lunch time today, to tell her I had another bucket of scraps for her chooks, and I needed more buckets, as I was on to my last one. She said she would be around later. I reminded her I had a doctors appointment this arvo, so she said to let her know when I got home.
Neville said, while I was getting the scripts made up, my phone rang, but he couldn't find it. It was in my bag which I had left in the car, as I only needed my purse. Duh! I said it was probably Sue, and that was the case when I checked for missed calls.
I did some other errands, and we came home. I sent Sue an SMS to aprise her of that fact so she could come around.
When she was coming in the door, I said she had to throw her hat in. If it did not come back at her, she was welcome to come inside. She had never heard that saying before. She improvised, as she did not have a hat she threw the buckets in, instead. We both 'cracked up' laughing. Then she said, "They haven't come back at me, so it must be safe to come in." She was coming in anyway!
i am always saying, you don't have to be crazy to be my friend, but it helps.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Who is protecting who??

I rang my daughter on Monday morning, and asked her if she would like any of the DVDs in the Big W movie catalogue. She said there were a couple she would like, but queried when we would be going to Adelaide again, as the sale ends on the 11th of this month. I said I would put the purchase on my credit card. I rang, and the girl on the switchboard placed the call. The phone just rang and rang. I tried twice more, to no avail. I tried a fourth time and the girl on the switchboard asked me, when I told her I was having no luck, if I would like them to ring me back when they were free. I said I would, and gave her my phone number. I am still waiting for that call.
I have just rung again, and this time I was put straight through. The lass took the information and went to see if they still had the DVDs. She was out of one of them, which was a three in one pack so, I asked if she had one of the movies on it's own. This was the one my daughter particularly wanted. she had a look and said she did. I told her I would pay for them on my credit card. She informed me I would need to fax a copy of both sides of my credit card and my drivers license, as proof that the card was not stolen. I told her I do not have a drivers license, and would have to fax my pension card details.
Something made me balk at this requirement. I told her I had never been asked to do this, and she said they had been doing it for some years. I told her I bought something last year with my card over the phone and had not been asked to do this. She did not believe me of course.
I rang my daughter and told her, and she immediately said not to do it, as it would risk my identity, as some unscululous person could use the details for their own nafarious purposes. She said, as they would have all the numbers AND my signature, there would be nothing to stop them robbing me blind.
Thank God I listened to the' still small voice.' Phew!!
It begs the question, who is being protected from whom by this kind of thing? I wonder how many people risk it?

Coffee, gimme coffee!

For those of you who never see the news, whether in the printed media, or on television, or hear it on radio, we, in Australia, are sweltering in an oppressive heat wave. There are some of our 'cousins' in the UK and Europe, who say they would swap us for our weather in a heart beat. Trust me folks, you would die! There will be some relief this weekend, and I for one can't wait.
I am not, dear reader, one of those people who can drink hot beverages in this weather, as they only serve to heat me up more, and thereby add to my distress, and discomfort.
When my husband and I were first married, I was aghast to see him drinking a pot of steaming hot tea on a scorching hot day, with the sweat DRIPPING off him, and he assured me, it made him feel cooler! Yeah. Right! Well, this morning, after nearly two weeks of not having my morning cup of coffee, I decided to have one as it was not very warm today at the time I arose. Aaagh, bliss! I did enjoy it. It is starting to warm up again now, so I am glad I decided to have it when I did. Roll on the cooler weather.