Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Frugal Bastard was right! How 'bout that?

Nearly a month ago, it was my birthday, once again. My lovely son, as indicated in the title of this post, generously gave me some money, and said he would like me to take myself and a friend, (and his father) out to lunch to celebrate. I spent the actual day driving to and from and around Adelaide, so did not have the opportunity to be taken out for a meal.
I said at the time, that I would keep it in a safe place, and that it would not melt if I did not use it straight away. He agreed with me on that score.
A few days ago I was going through my purse, getting rid of unwanted receipts etc, when I came upon the money. I had to think for a minute as to why it was there and what I was to do with it.
The 'penny dropped' quite quickly, and I asked my mate Sue yesterday, if she would like to come with us for a meal today.
We three had lunch at the Bordertown Hotel. It was quite nice. For a change. Neville and Sue had the fish and I had, wait for it, crumbed Turkey chops!
There was much speculation and hilarity about how they could get chops from a turkey!
It was, I believe, meat from the thigh of the bird, as it was dark meat and a bit sinewy. Most of it was very nice. My salad and their veges were uninspiring, but quite edible.
We had a choice for dessert of fruit pudding, custard and cream, or, Sago and peaches. Sue had the Sago and we had the pudding.
Thank you dear boy for my celebration lunch and the fun we all had as well.
Frugal was correct. Money does not actually 'melt', though it does tend to disappear rapidly.

1 comment:

Hammy said...

Gotta be right sometime.