Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Obscene Golden Handshakes

I have just heard on the TV news, that the retiring chairman of the Commonwealth Bank is to be 'paid' $30,000,000. How can this obscene ammount of money be justified? No-one is worth that ammount of money, unless they have made it by honest hard work. I am also incensed that the incoming CEO for Telstra is to be paid $10 to $11million as his annual salary. He has also indicated that after he takes up the position on July1, there is the possiblity of a hike in service charges. It has been hinted in the media, that it might include timed local calls. How are the battlers of this country supposed to afford any more of these fee hikes, when they are so isolated and a telephone is an essential requirement in the Bush?Telephone call charges are far too high, and in light of these so called salaries, it is not to be wondered at. Where will it stop?

Monday, June 13, 2005

Princess or not a Princess?

In The Advertiser (Adelaide Daily) today, is a list of the Royal Family and where they rank after the Queen. Somehow Camilla has been ranked lower that The Princees Royal,(Princess Anne,) even though she is married to the Prince of Wales. Camilla is not classed as a princess, only a Duchess.I suspect this is becaus certain members of the family baulked at the idea of having to curtsy to Camilla, as the second Lady of the land. She is even ranked lower that Princess Alexandra, the Queen's cousin.Camilla probably does not give a hoot, as she is a very down to earth person.But it smacks of a snub to her in my book.

Sunday, June 12, 2005


Well, surprise, surprise. The journos & fasion police have started in on Camilla already. They have accused her of 'upstaging the Queen' at the official parade to mark her Majesty's birthday, because she wore her wedding outfit again. As the Queen did not attend the civil ceremony, she had not seen the outfit before, so how does that contitute being upstaged? What is Camilla supposed to do with the outfit, toss it out? She only had it on for a very short time and she should be able to get some wear out of it. It probably cost Charles a packet, & he is reputed to be tight. So he would applaud her frugality. She did have a new, very stylish hat.
Give the poor woman a break. She looked very nervous as this was her first official joint engagement, and I thought she carried it off with great aplomb.