Saturday, October 29, 2005

Western Movies I have seen.

Now that I have a DVD player, I am buying old movies I saw when young, so I can see them properly for the first time. As I have mentioned previously, my eyesight is very poor, so I didn't actually 'see' these movies when I attended with my parents. I remember most of them, but some I have forgotten, to wit, The Magnificent Seven. I purchased this on DVD two weeks ago and watched it with my husband. The main reason I bought it was because it has Yul Brynner in it.(I wanted to see what he was like in a role other than the king of Siam.) I was surprised to find I hardly remembered the story at all. I am glad it cost less than $A15.00, as it was very disappointing, to say the least. It was classed as a classic western! Last night we watched An Invitation To A Gunfighter, also with the aforementioned actor in the lead role. Once again, I paid less than $A15.00, again I am thankful for that. The only' action' was when Yul's character got drunk and smashed up some of the buildings in the one horse town! When it was finished, there was some of the International Rules football game on the telly. There was more 'action' on the footy field than in the movie. Not that I condone that kind of biffo in any sport.
I have checked out Yul's other films on Google, and if the two we have seen this week are anything to go by, I think I will pass.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Getting to know me.

1.What time did you get up this morning?
2.Diamonds or pearls? Pearls, Diamonds leave me cold.
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Don't recall. I can't see that well, so haven't been for years.
4. What is your favourite TV show? CSI NY, House.
5. What is your middle name. To horrible to reveal.
6. What is your favourite cuisine? Italian.
7. What foods do you dislike? Capsicum, pumpkin.
8. What is your favourite crisps flavour? Smiths original crinckle cut.
9. What is your favourite CD at the moment? Hank Williams.
10. What kind of vehicle do you drive? I don't drive.
11. Favourite sandwhich? Curried egg, lettuce, carrot on wholemeal.
12. What characteristics do you despise? Child and animal cruelty, and greed.
13. Favourite item of clothing? Skirts and blouses/tops.
14.If you could go any where in the world on vacation, where would you go. UK, New Zealand, Canada.
15. What colour is your bathroom? Gold and white.
16. What colour Knickers are you wearing. Mind your own business.
17. Where would you retire to? Somewhere by the sea.
18. Favourite time of day? Bedtime.
19. What was your most memorable birthday? My 5oth.
20. Where were you born? Right here. Haven't moved far. South Australia.
21. What was the last thing you ate? Tuna mornay and rice.
22. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be. Red.
23. Favourite flower? Roses and carnations.
24. Favourite Beatle? Hated the Beatles!
25. Coke or Pepsi? Coke.
26. Do you wish on stars? No.
27. Do you have any pets? Yup, my cat.
28. Last person you talked to on the phone. Dr's receptionist.
29. What did you want to be when you were little? Nurse/ Air Hostess.
30. What are you meant to be doing now? I'm doing it.
31. What do you first notice about someone? If they are friendly or not.
32. Siblings? Two sisters, one older, one younger, one younger brother.
33. What was you favourite toy as a child? My doll. Which I still have.
34. Summer or Winter. I prefer Autumn and Spring.
35. Favourite cartoon character, The little Martian.
36. Chocolate or Vanilla? Both.
37. Who is most likely to respond. Mark.
38. Who is least likely to respond? Husband.
39. When was the last time you cried? When I watched something sad on TV last week.
40. What is under your bed? I shudder to think!
41. How many countries have you visited? None.
42. In how many cities have you lived? One.
43. Favourite movie of all time. Overboard.
44. The current friend you have known the longest from the list you sent this to. Pauline.
45. Favourite musical group. No group, just Elvis.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

If only we could see into the future.

Last weekend I ran out of black printer ink. I had some spares, so proceeded to install one, only to discover it was the wrong size. I got on the phone first thing Monday to let my supplier know they had sent the wrong cartridges. The girl who answered the phone sounded as though she had just woken from her morning nap. She wasn't the least bit interested in my problem. I said I had sent several emails the previous week, to ascertain the cost of cartridges for my daughter's printer. She said in a very 'so what' kind of way, that she didn't think they had received any from me. "I could check if you like'. I told her not to bother. She then said she would have to transfer me to Julian. He turned out to be a very pleasant Phillapino sounding young man, who was almost uninteligable. I told him the problem, and he looked for the correct ink cartridges. I said I didn't think I should have to pay freight on the replacements as it was their mistake. He asked me for the invoice number. Thankfully, I had it right there, and he could see I was telling the truth. When he had found the right ones, he said he would get them out overnight. Yesterday we went out for the day, and I was worried as last time they were here the next morning. I received a garbled email from them , but no cartridges. I thought I had missed them, as they have to be signed for. This morning I bought a cartridge whilst I was out shopping. Half an hour after we got home, the courier arrived with the cartridges! If I had only been able to see into the future, I would have saved myself $26.95!! The replacement cartridges were complimentary, too. Bugger!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

It has been a long day

I didn't sleep too well last night. That is nothing new. I have not been sleeping well for YEARS! Trouble was, I had to go with hubby today, as he was going to the farm, then to the cattle/lamb market in Naracoorte, and that is where I do most of my grocery shopping. With the price of fuel these days, I felt sure he would not have appreciated having to drive 8okms again this week. I would have loved to have gone back to bed for some more shuteye. I am jack of waking up with the spoggies. About 5.30 am. (Sparrows, for any non Australians out there) I suppose it is pointless whinging, as we will be on daylight saving this weekend. I find the notion of trying to convince my brain that it is an hour later than it really is, boring and fruitless in the extreme. I probaly would not have gone back to sleep, anyway.
The reason it has been a long day, is because I am very tired and my knees have had a strong work out. It is just under a week sinc surgery. I don't think I will need rocking tonight!
Father lost his credit union access card. He had it in his shirt pocket, but was unaware that it has a BIG hole in it. He was fortunate not to have lost his driver's licence, too, as he had it in the pocket as well. No big drama. he reported it as lost, and will recieve a new one soon. He was still able to withdraw some money. No idea where he lost it.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Post Op surprises. Nasty & Pleasant.

Last Wednesday morning, I had another Arthroscopy. This was on my left knee. I had a small tear in the Anterior Meniscus, a small ammount of Arthritis, and my knee cap needed at least a third scraped off, as it was deteriorating and ragged. As I had terrible trounle and excruciating pain for months after the last one, I was not looking forward to the post op period. I was therefore, pleasantly surprised and greatly relieved to know the extent of damage was nowhere near as bad, and I could walk almost normally the next day. I had been walking on it, to go to the loo etc, but not any great lengths. The physio was very chuffed with how well I was able to walk too, which is a greast boost to one's confidence. My Quads were very stiff for about 24 hours, but seem to be OK now. Last time, I had to put a long plastic bag over my puncture wounds when I had a shower. This time I only have Bandaides covering the wounds. Much better! I remarked to my husband last night, that #1 son-in-law, was VERY surprised to see me walking so freely, just 24 hrs postop. He laughed and said, 'I think everybody was.'
The next BIG thing is for me to shift some of this lard I have been carrying around for far too long. Not an easy task at the best of times, but now that I cannot exercise, nigh on impossible. But I am nothing if not determined when the need arises. I will just have to pschyc myself up, or suffer the consequences. A daunting prospect.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

He did it!

Call me a cynic or whatever you like, but Simone Warne recently said, and was paid handsomely to say it, she would not have her filandering husband back under any curcumstances. Well, it has been reported in another women's mag, that they are together again. Now, I am all for working through problems in any relationship and keeping the family together, but, this is too much. There is no need, in my humble opinion, to air one's 'dirty laundry' in public. Not if one expects to be paid to do it. It is too humiliating for words. It was far too soon for her to be making such statements, if she had to make them at all. She was hurting and very angry, and probably wanted to lash out at him for the pain he has caused, but it should have been done in private.
We all know the public persona of this man, but he must have some redeeming features, or maybe Simone couldn't leave all the perks behind. Either way, I wish they would stop shoving this in our faces.

Monday, October 10, 2005

My new DVD VCR combo unit is installed.

I bought myself a new combo unit on layby, some weeks ago, from Target. Due to the fact my daughter has not had time, until last Friday to install it, I have been hoping the old VCR would not 'die' just yet. It was doing some uncharactaristic things, when I used it. For instance, it would keep ejecting the tape and turning itself off. Most annoying! I, however, showed it who was boss! It has been used nearly every day, for the last six years, and has not missed a beat, nor has it been serviced. I had a separate DVD unit, which Deb installed, too. I have plans for that, but I can't find the manual. I have never seen it, so don't know what to look for. The only negative aspect of this combo unit is this. I am unable to watch a DVD whilst taping a programme. Some boffin or other needs to overcome that little hitch. It will take a while to work out what I can and can't do, but I am making rapid progress already.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Johnny is still following Dubya.

It has been reported is the news, that our 'esteemed' PM wishes to have a four year term between elections. The reason given is, the government does not have enough time with a three year term to accomplish all they wish to. This may or may not be a valid arguement. Excuse me if I seem cynical, but it seems more a case of following the yanks as they have a four year term of office for the president, after each election. This would be OK for us to emulate, only, if after two terms in office they were forced to fade into the background, and not be allowed to seek office again. We then might be able to elect some people who really have the good of the country and it's inhabitants, uppermost in their policies. The present system is seriously flawed, in that it allows one party to be in office too long, and they do not always want to run the country for the good of the people. We need to have fresh ideas coming more often. Some of them might be good for us. At least after two terms, we could boot them out, so they don't think they own the place.