Sunday, June 12, 2005


Well, surprise, surprise. The journos & fasion police have started in on Camilla already. They have accused her of 'upstaging the Queen' at the official parade to mark her Majesty's birthday, because she wore her wedding outfit again. As the Queen did not attend the civil ceremony, she had not seen the outfit before, so how does that contitute being upstaged? What is Camilla supposed to do with the outfit, toss it out? She only had it on for a very short time and she should be able to get some wear out of it. It probably cost Charles a packet, & he is reputed to be tight. So he would applaud her frugality. She did have a new, very stylish hat.
Give the poor woman a break. She looked very nervous as this was her first official joint engagement, and I thought she carried it off with great aplomb.


Hammy said...

You are the last person I would have thought to stick up for Camilla. I wondered what all the fuss was about as I had only heard the headlines. The Queen is bound to be upstaged if she continues to wear dowdy clothes. Her corgies probably upstaged her.

Susan Ham said...

I think Camilla has been 'upstaged' as she has been 'demoted'. see blog.

Susan Ham said...

As I suspected, it is reported in the tabloids that Camilla is privately furious about the snub & demotion.