Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Coffee, gimme coffee!

For those of you who never see the news, whether in the printed media, or on television, or hear it on radio, we, in Australia, are sweltering in an oppressive heat wave. There are some of our 'cousins' in the UK and Europe, who say they would swap us for our weather in a heart beat. Trust me folks, you would die! There will be some relief this weekend, and I for one can't wait.
I am not, dear reader, one of those people who can drink hot beverages in this weather, as they only serve to heat me up more, and thereby add to my distress, and discomfort.
When my husband and I were first married, I was aghast to see him drinking a pot of steaming hot tea on a scorching hot day, with the sweat DRIPPING off him, and he assured me, it made him feel cooler! Yeah. Right! Well, this morning, after nearly two weeks of not having my morning cup of coffee, I decided to have one as it was not very warm today at the time I arose. Aaagh, bliss! I did enjoy it. It is starting to warm up again now, so I am glad I decided to have it when I did. Roll on the cooler weather.

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