Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My little puddytat.

I have a cat whose name is Eddie. She (yes, she) has been part of this household since Dec.1994, when she and her brother Tiger, came here with my daughter, when she moved back in after she broke up with her boyfriend, and she had nowhere else to go. Eddie was only two months old and so small she could fit in the palm of my hand, and my hands are not very big. I had no hand in naming Eddie, as she was my daughter's cat and she decided to name her Eddie. I did ask her why, and she said she had always wanted to have a female cat with a male name?? When my daughter found somewhere to live, Eddie had bonded so strongly to me, that I refused to let her go. Deb took Tiger though.
Eddie has enjoyed very good health and lots of love and care from me.
Four years ago she became very ill, and it took nearly two years to return her to health. She has been well ever since. But, last week she was off her tucker, and , as it was the Easter weekend, I had to wait until yesterday to get her to the vet. The vet checked her out and said she seemed OK,but took blood and had it tested. I got the results today. Eddie does not have cancer, but her Thyroid gland is way out of whack.The reading is very high. She must be feeling dreadful, but she looks alright.
I asked the vet what treatments were available and she said there were three options:- 1. we could take her to Melbourne so she could have radiation treatment, This would cost thousands. :-2 we could take her to Adelaide so she could have the thyroid operated on, but there are side effects and risks involved.:3 we could give her tablets every day for the rest of her life. I chose this option, as it is within my financial scope.I picked up the tablets and they cost $35.00 for fifty, and she will need another blood test in three weeks. As she will need two tablets a day, I will have to renew them every three weeks. I was informed there are side effects to the medication too, but that will be monitored.
I know there are many who would not understand my going to so much trouble and expense over a cat, and would have had her euthanased, but. she is just as much my mate as your dogs, or other pets. She is old for a cat,(13) but I would do no less for any animal or human, for that matter. I will do anything to make her last days as happy and stress free as possible. It is not much to ask for all the years of companionship and devotion she has given me.


Hammy said...

I wouldn't have thought that euthanasia would be an option. Eddie's condition isn't too bad although it is slightly life-threatening. If I were in your position I'd be giving the tablets a go too. Hope she reacts well to the treatment.

Susan Ham said...

Thank you for your kind words and support. I have had one nasty comment relayed to me, and that person is a dog owner, and could not understand my even taking a cat to the vet. He was very smartly put in his place by his wife!