Sunday, March 09, 2008

Germaine Greer. Pooh to you.

There is an editorial by Germaine Greer in today's Sunday Mail, giving her opinion of Adelaide. She says , it is a 'good hearted little town, not overburdened with imagination'. My first reaction when I read the headline on the front cover was, "Who gives a damn what you think?" "I will give you 50 cents so you can go tell someone who does." I think this person is a vitriolic, vituperate viper, who is too enamoured of herself, and should get over herself.I think, Germaine, you should live by one of my late father's maxims:- if you can't say something nice about someone or something, say nothing at all.We humans do not appreciate being slapped around and demeaned all the time. Try saying something helpful encouraging or kind.It is not altogether a bad thing for us to stay in our comfort zones sometimes, although, I do not think it is good for us to be lazy or inert.
A person's character shows in their faces, and this person's countenance is very forbidding and harsh. She is a very negative person on the whole, and it shows in her face.
There is nothing wrong with Adelaide! The fact that it is my capital city not withstanding, I prefer it to any other city I have visited in this country, apart from Townsville. Adelaide is still my first choice. It probably is a bit parochial, but I would rather it be that way than end up like Chicago, New York City or even London.I think it could hold it's own with any of them.

1 comment:

Hammy said...

You need to get out more. Adelaide is a sleepy little hollow, much like Perth, and other cities are teeming with life and opportunity. Don't take things to heart. How can anyone sum up, intelligently, a city in a couple of lines?