Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Recycling glitches

Yesterday saw the start of the new recycling system. Two or three weeks ago, we were given a new smaller wheelie bin with a red lid. We were told, via leaflets, that the council are going to replace the lids on the old bigger bins with a yellow lid. These older bins are to be scrubbed out and have a sticker which reads Recycling Only stuck to them, so there is no confusion for the garbo, as to which bin is for what purpose. Now, I may be getting older but I don't think I am less astute than I was, but, I can not for the life of me see why it is necessary to change the old bin lid as it is green.( I presume the garbo is not colour blind). It has the sticker on it and I presume the garbo can read. I know the sticker will not last for ever, but the bins are a different size too.
There was some one driving around town yesterday, apparently in radio contact with the garbo, and if the garbo came across a bin that did not comply with the new regulations, he radioed him and he drove to where the garbo was and placed a 'contaminated' sticker on the bin. The rubbish was not picked up I know this because my friend Sue said her husband flouted the rules and got caught out. I don't know what will have to be done with that rubbish/recycling material now. I daresay it will all need to go in the rubbish bin next week. I am not sure if there will be fines for noncompliance either. Time will tell.
My husband told me yesterday, that it is costing ten million dollars to implement this scheme and the state government takes half. This has me 'whacked'. I will never understand how these things work. I think the money is coming from council rates.

1 comment:

Hammy said...

The garbos must be all wannabe electricians who failed the red-green eyesight test. Perhaps the Government is sponsoring their work to get them off the dole queues.