Sunday, July 15, 2007

Fun and Games.

We have had our grandson, Lachlan, to stay for a couple of nights. He is a very quiet boy, and is happy to do what ever projects are suggested. We played Snakes and Ladders and Uno on Friday afternoon, then he did some drawing and wrote a letter to go with a drawing of a truck, which we took over to give to our neighbour Dick, the next morning. Dick drives trucks, and was very pleased to receive it and said he was a champion and gave Lachlan the rest of a packet of Minties.
Lachlan played games while I cooked lunch. I never do much cooking, as there is only the two of us, but when some one stays I go mad. Neville is left with the job of washing all the dishes. He doesn't seem to mind.
I cooked meat loaves in diced tomatoes, carrots, celery, potatoes,sweet corn and Champinions. I put a small amount of rice in it to thicken the sauce without using corn flour. We had strawberries and icecream for dessert. Lachlan loves them.
He had porridge both mornings and this morning he also had toast and hot chocolate.
I cooked veges and a jam steamed pudding with custard for lunch yesterday. I had cooked some meat the day before.The amazing thing about this visit was that Neville turned off the TV and sat at the table with us!! He usually has his meals in front of the telly. (Will the real Neville please stand up?)
Yesterday arvo, we went down town so Lachlan could play on the swings etc. He made Neville and me laugh when he lay down on the slight rise and rolled down hill. Neville said he had obviously done that before. We went to the wild life sanctuary to see the white Kangaroos, but it started to pizzle with rain, so we went to see my brother for a while. I had to be back here by 3pm, as I had arranged to make Sue a coffee as she was coming around to pick up the bucket of food scraps for her chooks. When we were coming down the main street to come home, we passed Sue at an intersection. She followed us home Neville reckoned he could not see her in the rear view mirror, but she said she was right behind us.
I put the jug on to boil and then the door bell rang. It was Dick, so I invited him in for coffee too. It has been a 'looong time between drinks' for him.Over here, that is.
Lachlan played more computer games after tea last night then he had a bath. It is a bit of a novelty, as he usually has a shower at home. I read him a couple of stories and he went to bed about 9.30. He said he had a good time and can't wait to come again.
Sue photo copied some stencils of a Stegasaurus for him to colour in and we stuck them on cardboard this morning. It was murder on my poor Arthritic hands cutting them out so he could put them together with flat pins (The kind that fold open with two spikes on them.)
We realised that we needed a couple of the stencils copied, that done, we then tried to put it together, only to discover it did not need to be stuck on cardboard, as it was supposed to made into a hat! Bugger.He has put it away to finish next time.


Hammy said...

My goodness. Never thought I'd live to see the day. Were the Bombers on the telly and losing at the time?

Susan Ham said...

No, I don't think Footy was on.