Friday, July 20, 2007

A Rose by any Other name. . . . . . .

In this burgh, we have a committee for the beautification of the town. They have instigated many projects, which have received mixed reactions. Mostly unfavourable. They have extended the corners of the streets and put in Chicanes, which block off half the street. They have installed planter pots, firstly half kegs, which have been vandalised and tipped over many times. Last week, they put new ceramic planter pots in place. I noticed that they have put dripper hoses in them and rose bushes. One wonders if they are hoping the thorny rose bushes will deter the vandals from their unlawful practices. I do hope so. The planter pots are a damned nuisance, as they are too close to the kerb, and make it difficult to alight from your vehicle.

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