Sunday, December 02, 2007

The wisdom of children

I have been meaning to post this little gem of wisdom, espoused by my grandson, Riley. He turned five last weekend, and we called in on our way home from 'the big smoke', as is our habit. I wanted to give him his birthday present, as it was his birthday on the following day, Saturday, and we were not able to attend.(I still have not worked out why.) I was aware he was having a party, and asked him how many girls and boys were going to be there. These are his friends from kindergarten. He said, "Only five girls." "How many boys?" "Oh, lots more than girls." I then asked him if his mum's friend, Kylie, was going to be there. He said she was, but she was not a girl. I said,"If she isn't a girl, what is she?" Quick as a flash he shot back, "She's a parent!" Well, I just about collapsed in a heap, I was laughing so hard. I just love that boy, I just love him!

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