Monday, November 26, 2007

Election fallout.

It seems there is a new phenomenon since the federal election. I call it the 'Humpty Dumpty Syndrome.'The Liberals seem to be falling off the wall, and quitting in droves. It would seem they do not have the will to get back in to the fight, and they have a yellow streak down their backs. Without John Howard leading them from the rear, they are in total disarray.
There will of course, be a ballot for the Liberal leadership. The two contenders who have thrown their hats in the ring so far, are Tony Abbot, and Malcolm Turnbull.I would not give tuppence for either of them. I think Abbot is a mean dude, and just argues for the sake of it. Turnbull is an unknown quantity ,(to me) but I am informed he would really be the best choice for the leader. Time will tell.
Abbot has gone head to head with Julia Gillard on telly, and she has put it all over him. I look forward to seeing how she fares.

1 comment:

Hammy said...

Gillard probably has the biggest balls of any woman in politics at the moment. Bit bigger than Tony Abbot's.