Thursday, April 26, 2007

Smiley Riley.

Last Tuesday my friend Sue and I went down town for our usual weekly coffee etc. She made a comment about going to Keith in the arvo, but I was not sure what she meant, so let it slide. I had not asked her to take me, so was not sure if she was serious.It turned out, she was. We journeyed up there, after lunch, and spent about an hour and a half with Deb and the children. The boys were into their usual 'point scoring', so I asked Deb if she would like me to take Riley(4), home for a couple of days. She said."Yes, please!" As she was going to Naracoorte today to shop, and we were too, I said it would fit in nicely.We called in to his Dad's work place, so he could say goodbye, as this had not been a planned excersize.
I have had Lachlan, nearly seven, here a few times, and he is no trouble. He is very quiet and easy to entertain.
Riley, on the other hand, is full of energy and gets bored very quickly, so he is hard work. Riley goes full throttle all day, untill he drops, then he is out like a light. He slept on the couch, and did not stir until 7.30 AM.
It was exhausting for me, trying to keep Riley interested. He never stops talking, and does not listen when he is told to do something. He is like his uncle Mark. He has a great thirst for knowledge and like the proverbial cork, bobs straight back up when he is 'pushed down.' I love this boy to bits.
I read him stories, he watched videos, listened to music on my portable CD player, and did some painting.He played with the go cart for a while. He eats well, but still talks when he is doing that. He played with the Lego, army men, blocks etc. We played Uno, Go Fish, and he got me to make up words with the Scrabble. He can't read of course, but I bet he will remember most of it. He is brilliant with numbers, too.
He was worried about his Pop, as he was down at the farm overnight. He said it was a long way, and would he be lonely. It was dark, and he might get lost or be afraid. I assured him his Pop would be alright. He followed his Pop around like a shadow when he came home yesterday, constantly asking questions. He found a couple of sea shells outside somewhere, and took them home.
When we met Deb etc at the shopping centre this morning, I took the boys to a cafe in the complex and bought them a hot chocolate and something to eat. Lachlan had a Lamington and Riley a choc muffin. He could not eat it all, as they are very big. He didn't drink much of his chocolate, either. Then we went in to Woolies and did the shopping. I had my groceries put aside for later pick up, and Neville and I went to the pub for lunch. After lunch, we went to the garden centre. He wanted some Snow Pea seedlings. They were $17.00 per kilo,in Woolies.They didn't have any.
I wanted some plastic inserts for a couple of half circle hanging baskets.(They used to have a straw type of filler, but the Magpies pinched it for their nest.) They did not have them.I wanted to plant some trailing flowering plants, as they are outside the kitchen window, and it looks drab. They are on a steel frame that is covered in chicken wire. I bought a couple on Harden Bergias instead. One pink the other
white. I hope they will grow, as I have the purple one out the front, and it is doing very well, mainly because I ignore it. If I fuss over things, they invariably die! I also bought four Pansy plants. I have a big tub to put them in. There is no point in putting in Spring flowering bulbs, as we can not water them because of the restrictions.
We went back to the 'cheapo' shop, but they did not have any Snow pea seeds either. I did manage to purchase a new collar for my cat, though.

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