Monday, April 02, 2007

Losing weight can be a drag.

Since I got a 'wake up call' in September last year, I have been doing my utmost to shed the extra kilos that have accumulated over the last twenty years or so. So far, I have lost 10.9 kilos in six and a half months. Now, some of you would think that is nothing startling, but you have to take in to consideration the fact I can do no kind of exersize. I love walking and swimming, but they are both not possible.
I went to the clinic last Friday and had a health check, including being weighed. I was very disappointed, to say the least, to discover I had only lost another 500grams in three weeks! My doctor and the clinic sister were both very encouraging and supportive, and said that at least it is still coming off, however slowly. They, and others, have said I am doing extremely well to have lost as much in the time, under the circumstances. I guess they are right, but I am impatient and want to lose it faster.
To encourage me further, the clinic sister asked me if I had seen her fake kilo of body fat. I said I had not. She got it out of a drawer, and gave it to me. It looked disgusting but as she said, I have lost nearly 11 of them. Puts a different perspective on the whole thing. I picked up a 10kilo bag of potatoes later, and was shocked to think I had been carrying that much extra weight around. The doctor said he can see the difference, and I said he might, but I can't. I will just have to rethink my eating and plod along.

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