Saturday, August 04, 2007

We need to watch our backs.

As stated in a previous post, we purchased white goods last weekend.The salesman was supposed to ring us on Monday to let us know about the delivery of same. He did not. Nor did he ring on Tuesday. I was going to ring them, but didn't get around to it. I rang on Wednesday morning, and spoke to a young woman called Mandy. I explained that the salesman was supposed to ring me and she said he was in Sydney on a training course for a couple of days. I sent him a text and left a voice mail message, The silence is deafening. I explained my reason for calling and asked if she knew when the goods would be delivered. She said she didn't have a clue, and sounded as though she couldn't care less. She looked up the info on her computer, and said something about us having bought two fridges! I nearly had a pink fit, and said that we had better not have been booked for two. She looked again, and discovered her error. The fridge is supposed to be delivered Monday. She then said we would need to make arrangements for installation, as we needed to have the water kit properly installed. Pink fit no.two. I said ' Water kit,what water kit, What are you talking about. All that was required was to put it in place and plug it it?'She said the water kit for the ice dispenser. I was getting pretty wound up by this stage, and said we had not bought one with an ice dispenser. She contradicted me and said, yes we had. I told her we had not. She said 'There is no need to shout.' I said I was not shouting, I was just getting very upset and understandably nervous. (My home help lass came just after this phone call, and I told her about it. I said if I had shouted at this girl, she would have known about it!)
Then she looked again and discovered she had made another mistake. Phew! We then discussed delivery of the cook top and wall oven. They were to be delivered on separate days, and I asked why the lot could not be delivered in one load. She mumbled something which I did not catch. We then arranged to have the stove components delivered on the 17th, and I told her that date was subject to change, as we might be away at that time. I do not know if or when we will go.
Later that afternoon, I received a phone call from this company, and a very nice young man called Mark, asked me if anyone had rung me. I said no, I had had to ring myself. I told him all the above, and he assured me I had only bought and been charged for one fridge, and it does NOT have an ice dispenser. When I told him the price we paid, he said we had indeed gotten a bargain. Waiting for delivery of these things is akin to waiting to give birth. Nerve wracking!

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