Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Stage two of my nightmare.

We are into the penultimate stage of the white goods saga.
This morning I was setting the VCR for tomorrow's programmes, when Neville came in to the lounge. I looked at him, and he had a silly expression on his face, and his demeanour was odd. (He was trying not to break into a grin.) I asked him what he wanted. He said nothing. I asked him if he had lost anything. He said no. I asked him if he was looking for something. He said no. He then asked me when the cooker was to be delivered. I said on Friday. He said," Well, I got up early this morning and went to Adelaide to pick it up." Instantly the 'penny dropped' and I got up and went outside, and sure enough there it was. I asked who had brought it, and he said Harper's Freight. (Courier van.) I said the Kleenmaid people don't know their arm from their elbow. It is just as well we did not go to Naracoorte today to do the shopping!
The next, and hopefully, the final stage, is getting him to build the new cupboard for the cook top and wall oven. I envisage some struggles on my part, to get him to make it the way I want and need it. Keep your fingers crossed folks. I just hope it does not take him another 18 years to make it. I have had a burnt cupboard for that long. Ever since my two little fires on top of the stove in Oct 1989.


Hammy said...

At least it didn't take him 18 years to repaint the kitchen. I've got mixymytootsies for you.

Susan Ham said...

What's 'e talkin' about? The kitchen has never been painted. It has that stuff that looks like tiles all over the walls. Mixymytootsies! Please explain.