Thursday, August 09, 2007

My nightmare is nearly over.

This is a continuation of the fridge saga folks. As stated in previous posts, the fridge was supposed to be delivered on Monday. Then the trucking company rang me to say it would not be delivered until Wednesday. The guy from the trucking company was supposed to ring me back on Monday, to let me know what time it would arrive. Nada. I waited until nearly lunch time yesterday, then I rang him, Again. He was most apologetic, and said he would get back to me, and that their depot in Adelaide had not rung him with that info. Talk about Buck passing! When he rang me, he said it would not be delivered until today.I asked him "How hard is it to get something from Adelaide to here. It is only a three hour drive?" I told him I was fed up and about to blow my stack! He got off the phone very quickly, and said he would ring me back in fifteen mins. I am still waiting for that call. I waited about 3/4 of an hour, and decided to ring one of my friends as it was her birthday. We had been talking for about half an hour, when my mobile rang. I told my friend I would call her back. I was most surprised to find it was the general manager of the trucking company, ringing to apologise for the way I had been treated and the way this delivery had been handled. He was very gracious and assured me it would be here by 8pm, or if I preferred, 10 am today. I thanked him and said,apology accepted. I also said I would prefer to have it delivered as soon as possible, as all the stress had made one of my medical conditions flare up and it was making me ill. He said it would be done last night, and the driver would ring me at 7.30pm for directions. He apologised again and we rang off.
7.30 came and went. 7.40 came and the driver rang. I asked him where he was, and he said halfway between Keith and here. He said he was instructed to ring when he was half an hour from here. Obviously, he was running a bit late. I started to give him directions and his phone started breaking up, then it dropped out.He rang again when he hit the outskirts of town. He kept me on the phone while I directed him until he could see me, as I had walked to the corner.
He had a mate, his brother-in-law as it turned out, with him to help with the unloading. Getting the thing off the truck was the easy part, getting it inside proved impossible.Neville and Tony did lots of measuring of doors and fridge, and discussed removing three doors plus door jambs. The problem was the handles on the fridge protrude too far. Tony rang his boss and asked permission to remove the fridge doors, as it would be better that the other alternative. It was not up to us to give permission to remove the fridge doors, as if anything got broken or damaged it fell back on the delivery man and his boss. His boss rang him back and said if that was what was needed, he could go ahead. To make a long story shorter, they did that and got it in and back together and working. It was just as well it was not delivered earlier in the day, as Neville was not here and had all the tools with him.What should have taken less than an hour, dragged on for nearly two! Now, all we have to do is put all the shelves etc in and move the freezer so we can put the fridge in it's place, as the thing protrudes too far and it is going to be a hassle when we go in to the kitchen. The freezer needs defrosting anyway. I thought this would be how it would turn out. and said to Neville we might have to swap them around.
To add to my nightmare, a girl from the white goods company rang yesterday, and tried to mess with the arrangements I had already made, for delivery of the cook top and wall oven. She was chewing gum while she was talking to me, which I think is very rude and does not give a good image for her company. I told her in no uncertain terms, she could leave the arrangements as is, as I am not going to put up with any more disruptions. I said there was no need to change anything. She wanted to have them delivered on consecutive days. I ask you! Give these kids a little bit of power and they think they rule the world!!


Hammy said...

Another happy customer.

Susan Ham said...

How can you tell?