Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Just a bit miffed, I are.

Yesterday, while I was in the supermarket, a lady I have known for years but have not seen for some time, came up to me and said hullo. She was very good to me when I was at a low ebb, but I would not say we are friends. Not the phone call/ going out for coffee type of friend. We were chatting, and I asked her if she thought I looked thinner. She said, "No. You are like me, the same as always." Now, she is a biggish woman but not as big as she once was. You can imagine my dismay at that remark. I said I had lost nearly three stone, and she insisted I did not look any different. I said it was because I am still wearing the same 'big' clothes. I then said I will either have to take them in or buy smaller ones. Especially the T shirts! It was very disconcerting to say the least, after all my hard work. It will however, spur me on to greater efforts. Some people don't know when to shut up. Talk about rubbing salt in to the 'wound'.


Hammy said...

Old age and poor eyesight, not to mention hearing, appear to have caught up with your acquaintance.

Susan Ham said...

She is a very nice person, but would have been a dead loss in the diplomatic corps.