Saturday, September 27, 2008

Wedding Anniversaries.

Wedding anniversaries are funny things, you either celebrate them with gusto and much sentiment, or, you hope they will fade into the mists of time and no-one will acknowledge them. It all depends of course on what sort of relationship you have with your spouse, and whether or not you had a row etc, the night before.
We have mostly not enjoyed ours, as for some strange reason, my spouse is always grumpy that day. There have only been two or three anniversaries which I have enjoyed because he was in a good mood. Today was one of them.There never have been flowers or any kind of gift. On rare occasions he has treated me to a meal at the pub, but they were usually eaten in stony silence and therefore not a happy occurrence. I have asked him many times if he regrets marrying me. He has always said no.
Though he remembered without prompting this morning , and has been in a good mood, nothing special took place. No meal out, no flowers, no card, etc.
I wonder, and will probably wonder many times in the next year, if next year will be different. It will, after all, be our Ruby wedding. (40th) I am NOT holding my breath.
It is also our son and daughter-in-law's eleventh anniversary today. He has his mother's personality and is much better at this kind of thing. His wife does not know how lucky she is.


Anonymous said...

Sorry Ma, i forgot until today. As you know yesterday wasn't a very good day (except for Hawthorn's win). Happy anniversary for yesterdee!

Susan Ham said...

Thank you for that. I quite understand why you forgot. Not a problem.