Sunday, December 31, 2006

Visiting rellies, & meeting new ones.

Last Friday, my nephew Alan and his family, called in here on their way home to Queensland, and had lunch with us. We have not seen him or his two eldest children, for eight years. Isaac is 15, and getting very tall. He has just completed year eleven, and his first year of part time appenticeship, as an Electrician. I am not sure what type of electrician he is training as, but it is not ordinary industrial or domstic.
Alan's daughter, Samantha, is growing into a lovely young lady. She is eleven.
It was the first time we had met Alan's new wife, Dianne, and her six year old son, Kyle. Kyle played Racing Cars on my computer until lunch time. It was lovely having them here, if for a short time. We had Ham salad sangers, (sandwiches) on home made wholemeal bread. Then home made fruit salad and icecream. Isaac was so thrilled to have home made fruit salad, that he had two BIG serves of it. Dianne is very slender, but she can 'put it away' with the best of them.
I hope it is not eight years before we see them again. They all seemed very relaxed and at home with us, which is great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Auntie Bron said they would be passing through.