Sunday, December 31, 2006


I wish you all, a Happy New Year. May you and yours be safe and well and not lacking in the essentials.
Last night, we had electrical storms, with much lightning and thunder, but bugger all rain. I was able to watch the Edinburgh Military Tattoo, with some trepidation as to whether the power would go off, or the transmission would be clear enough. The transmission on the ABC is not good here, and sometimes it is totally unwatchable. It was barely so last night. I did enjoy what I could see.
Today, we have been blanketed in DUST! There was not enough rain to wet the ground, and it has been blowing all day, all over the town, and the house, and everything in it is covered in fine black silt.
We have more thunder rumbling now, so this will be a short posting, as I will not run the computer in a storm.
Good bye, and good luck.


Anonymous said...

And now for the 40 degree days.

Anonymous said...

Whoopie Duck! A Bill would say. Can't wait. They told us on the news tonight, that we will be returning to normal weather patterns this year, with normal rain fall. Bring it on!!