Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas 2006

Christmas is over for another year. In some ways, I look forward to this day, and in others, I don't. I look forward to it because it is the commemoration of the birth of the Saviour of the World, Jesus Christ. Everybody knows, if He had not been born, we would not have this day. I don't look forward to it, because it has been taken over in many ways by Mammon. I don't look forward to not having all my family around me at this time. I don't have them all year, but it would be lovely to see them at Christmas. To touch on a sad note, it is also a dreadful time for road accidents, and the fatality count is horrendous every year.I most assuradly do not like that aspect of this time of year.
We had a very enjoyable Christmas Day this year. We spent it with our daughter and her family. They had a couple of male friends there as well. We had cold meat and salad, and I made a Trifle for dessert. It is the only dessert my son-in-law likes, and he reckons mine is the best.Chrismas pud,blah!
On the down side of it, the guys were smoking all day, and me being an asthmatic, it was a wonder I didn't succumb and have an attack. It was only yesterday that I nearly did.


Anonymous said...

Mammon - there's a new word for the vocabulary.

Anonymous said...

Not for mine! It is what most of the world 'worships'!