Saturday, February 12, 2005

It's on again

Well, I can't believe how much space the world's Press have devoted to 'The Engagement'. One day of all the hype would have been enough. I wonder how long they will be given front page treatment? Surely, there are much more edifying & interesting things to read & write about. I agree with the Brits, when they say they are happy they are finally getting hitched, but don't want Charles as king. I would have thought they would have made a more discreet announcement, like Prinsess Anne did. Ho hum.
Yesterday, I entertained my other eldest grandson, & played games on the computer. Lachlan is exactly the same age as Yu-Jin, but does not have access to a computer. He did very well for his first time, but, I wonder how long it will be before I need a new mouse! He was pretty hard on it, but I guess he will get the hang of it with practice. I wish we could see them more often, & for longer. He stayed with us while his mum, our daughter, Debra & her younger son,Riley & Deb's friend did some grocery shopping. I must start writing the funny things the children say, down again so I have something to write on this Blog.

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