Friday, December 18, 2009

Pet peeve #5

This may not seem like much of a problem for a lot of people, but it is for those of us who believe Christmas is not about Santa Claus, but the birth of Jesus, the Son of God and our Saviour.
It is very irksome and baffling, when some people who attend church and know that I do also, and know what the real meaning of the season is.
My beef is this, why do these people send us Christmas cards with the jolly gent on them?
I find it an insult as we are not little kids, and I feel very tempted to send the things back. But that would not be in the spirit of the season, and nor would it be what The Lord would approve of either. Nor is in my character to be that mean spirited I have addressed the matter with one person, and he has aceded to my wish this year. It also says, to me anyway, that not a lot of thought or love and care has gone into the choosing of same.

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