Friday, December 18, 2009


I had a phone call from the Community Health Services in Mt. Gambier on Monday.The young lady asked if I would like to take an appointment yesterday, to have my feet seen to. This was quite unexpected and as I did not know if Neville was going to the farm or not that day, as he said he might. I was in a quandry as to wheter to accept. I decided to take it,after I had ascertained how much notice they would need if I could not keep it. I spoke to Sue about it when we were out for coffee on Tuesday, and she said she would take me. I hesitated to ask her, as it was at 12 noon, and she has to get her nearly blind husband his lunch. She assured me it was not a problem.
Sue duly picked me up and dropped me at the Cottage, then returned home and fed her family. The cottage houses our Community Health Services. I think it is government funded.
Another reason I hesitated to take the appointment was, the last time I had attended the Cottage, I was less than pleased with what the young female podiatrist had done, or not as it were.
I knew there was a new podiatrist, but had no experience of him/her.
When I arrived I discovered the podiatrist was a man, and he had a client with him. I was assured he was very nice, and everybody loved him.I told the receptionist I would reserve my judgement.
He duly came to greet me, hand outstretched to shake hands, but in my inimitable style, I caused him to do a 'double take' when I said hullo and 'sorry, but I won't shake hands. It is because I have Arthritis quite badly and it is too painful to shake hands'.After he had regained his equilibrium, he was OK about it.
The expression of his face was a classic, and said to me in a flash,' does she think she will catch something from me?'

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