Friday, November 25, 2005

'Smiley' Riley

This darling little boy had his third birthday yesterday. Deb took him to Naracoorte, and we went too, in our own car, as I had a dentist appointment. Deb wanted to put two push bikes on lay-by for the boys for Christmas. She didn't want Riley with her when she did, as he would have told anyone who would listen, and there would have been no surprise for Lachlan. We arranged to meet her at a play ground on the outskirts of town. However, Riley was having none of that, as it looked too much like the Day Care/kindy he attends once a week. It has a fence around it for safety. I suggested I go with Deb and stay with Riley in her car while she did her business. This worked out OK, but Riley didn't utter one word untill he saw his mother coming back! Usually, you can't shut him up.
After tea, we went to Deb & Pete's place, so Riley could have his presents and birthday cake. Deb had made him a lovely green frog cake, as that is what he said he wanted. When we were leaving, he gathered up some of his new books and some of his brother's and put them in a bag, and asked his Pop if he would take them home as he didn't want Lachlan to play with them. Then he asked me if I had any more presents for him! This kid will go far.

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