Friday, December 09, 2005

Tatiara. (Aboriginal for The Good Country.)

This afternoon, my friend Sue called, and asked if I would like to go and check out the Treats of the Tatiara. This is an annual display of local crafts and one lot of home made wine. My aunt and her husband are friends with the chap, and gave my mother a bottle of his wine for Christmas one year. Mum said it was undrinkable, and would have taken the barnacles off the keel of a ship! Sue had a sample of it this afternoon, and heartily agreed with me.
There were not a great lot of crafts on display this year, which is a pity, as there are some very talented people here.It does not take long for the novelty to wear off, unfortunately.
I met a woman that had been my 'best' friend, 36 years ago, when we were married. Haven't heard a word from her since. She recently moved back to the district, and is making soaps and paper, etc. She was unable to avoid speaking to me today. Don't think I will lose any sleep over it, if that is the last I hear from her.
I 'shouted Sue and myself some pancakes and a cup of tea. Two small pancakes with strawberries and cream were $5.00, cup of tea, $2.00 . Rather expensive afternoon tea. The local cafe doesn't charge like that!

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