Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Can't help lovin' that boy!

I have three gorgeous grandsons. The youngest of them, Riley, is such a happy, cheeky sprite, he is irristable. He reminds me of my son when he was young. Nothing seemed to faze Mark. He was like the proverbial cork. You could never keep him down, he would always pop straight back up. Riley, I am told by his mum, has a 'nose' for chocolate. Deb told me it makes no difference how well you think you have hidden it, Riley will find it. I was therefore somewhat surprised last Saterday when we visited them, that he was so slow in 'sniffing' out the Smarties I had in my bag. I buy a bag of small boxes of Smarties, and give the two boys a box each whenever they visit. When we arrived, Riley was eating a small bag of Cheezels, and as I had copped some flak from his dad last week on my way home from hospital about the Smarties, I decided to play it differently. After we had been there about an hour, Riley sidled up to me, and with his cheeky grin and sparkling eyes, he somewhat shyly asked me, "Nan" "Yes darling." "You wouldn't have any Smarties in your bag, would you?" " Why do you want to know?" "'Cause I'd like some." How do you resist such a request? I said I did, but I had to ask Mum if they could have them. Deb said it was OK. So both of them were happy with their treat. They got covered in the colour off them, as they held them in their hot little hands. I think this boy, like his uncle, will go far.


Hammy said...

Aw, shucks.

Anonymous said...

Not like you to be 'all overcome', dear.