Friday, September 21, 2007

Lost somethin', mate?

We had a busy day yesterday, with the necessity of traveling the Adelaide for my medical needs.
On our way home we stopped to visit Neville's brother, Peter. We had a cuppa and caught up on our respective news. When we were about to leave, Neville could not find his car key. He looked everywhere for it, to no avail. He got his torch out of the boot and looked on the footpath,, but it was not there. He then went back and looked on his side of the car. While he was looking, some young chaps, also carrying a torch, came past and asked him what he was looking for. He, being the owner of a dry somewhat sarcastic wit, said, 'A lost dog, mate.' " Oh, right. A lost dog. OK." They kept on down the road, and Neville said, " Lost dog indeed, Why would I be looking for a lost dog in the middle of the road?" He found the key under some rags in the front. He has so many keys, he does not know which one is for what.


Hammy said...

Didn't find the lost dog then?

Susan Ham said...

No mate. Don't even know what it looks like!