Monday, September 03, 2007


We had to travel to Naracoorte today, not our usual shopping day, because I had a dental appointment. I needed to have the four upper front incisors repaired. The dentist assured me, most vehemently, that the reason they had collapsed, was because I grind my teeth. I argued with him, and said I did not. He said,"Yes, you do!" I said it must be in my sleep. I think I have discovered the problem. It is not that I grind my teeth, but I have been chewing sugarless gum for a year, because I read somewhere that it helps digestion and the extra saliva helps to protect the tooth enamel.(?) I tried chewing some tonight, and discovered I push it up against the front teeth a lot. This puts too much pressure on them. No more gum for me, as I can't afford another $200.00 for repairs. As always, my dentist has done a brrrilliant job, and I told him so.
Before my appointment, I had four hours to 'kill', as Neville brought me in to town from the farm at 11am. I went to Target and bought myself two new pairs of knickers.I then went in to Retravision to do something for my daughter. I then went to Subway for lunch. While paying for my order, I apparently put the carry bag on the counter and did not notice. I went to the fridge and got myself a lo fat yoghurt and went and sat down. Halfway through eating my meal, I got a tissue out of my bag and noticed the Target receipt and decided to put it in the carry bag. Oops, no carry bag. I got up, and was looking for it, thinking I had left it in Retravision and I would have to retrace my steps. How embarrassing!
Next thing, one of the girls in Subway came over and handed me the carry bag and asked if it was what I was looking for. Much relieved, I said it was. She told me, barely managing to refrain from bursting it to fits of giggles, where I had left it. Ah, me, another 'senior moment'!


Hammy said...

One can hardly wait until you become a senior and these moments occur with greater regularity.

Susan Ham said...

I only have five months to go, so no doubt you are waiting with bated breath!? I just don't tell you about all of them.

Susan Ham said...

Grinding my front teeth is a physical impossibility, as they are so crowded they overshoot the bottom ones considerably, and therefore do not meet. I can not bring my bottom jaw far enough forward to achieve this.