Saturday, June 30, 2007

I thought another one had bitten the dust.

Technology has progressed rapidly in the past few years,(I know, I know. That is stating the bleeding obvious.) and it is hard to keep up with all the new fangled gadgets and gizmos. For someone born in the forties, it can be a bit dizzying and confusing, but I have surprised myself with the ease with which I have grasped this stuff. My husband has not, much to my annoyance at times. It really isn't THAT hard. We have had our microwave oven nigh on 30 years, and it has only been in the last ten or twelve, that he has become au fait with how it works. He is only just getting to grips with the TV remote. The feature he loves most on that is the mute button.
We do not have enough power points in this house for all our appliances, and have to resort to using power boards and extension cords. Not the best way to go, I know.
Neville was heating some drinks in the mic last night, when it suddenly 'died'. I instantly realized it was not a power outage, as everything else was still working.
I thought, "Ah, well. It is pretty old and had to go some time. Not to worry. I have the one Mum gave me, when she moved house,to give to Deb. I'll just use that." This morning, I replaced the power board and plugged it in, and Voila, it works! Neville checked the other power board, and it had popped the safety button because the cord was pulled out a little bit. (I have no idea how it got pulled out.) He has repaired it, and it works perfectly too.

1 comment:

Hammy said...

Sometimes it's like watching the movie Encino Man. I need to show you the Website for translations too. I believe, using the latest technology, it may be "au fait".