Sunday, June 10, 2007

Paris Hilton, & others like her.

This young woman makes headlines no matter what she does. It is a shame that it is for the wrong reasons now. I have a certain amount of sympathy for her. She is a product of her environment and does not know how to be a 'real' person. While I have nothing against people who are rich and famous, it all depends on how they live and what kind of people they are. It appears her family have not taught her that she is very privileged, and a certain responsibility comes with such wealth.They have also not given her the coping skills for living in the real world. She is accustomed to having her every whim seen to by servants. She surly must realize that it is not how the rest of us live.She is also not accustomed to people saying no to her, which is why she is having a hard time doing her time.
The cynic in me says this may all be a publicity stunt, too. Why should she, or any celebrity, or public figure, think they should get preferential treatment just because they are who they are?
She appears to be very immature, and this will not auger well for her. I just hope she can learn from this experience and come away from it a better person, and not a broken one.

1 comment:

Hammy said...

Well said. Nothing but the facts, ma'am.