Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Coulda knocked me down with a feather!

My friend Sue came around this afternoon, and we were just about to go down town to have a coffee, when a familiar voice said, "Got the billy on?" There is just one person who I know of that says that. My brother. It was such a thrill to see him as he very seldom visits, even though we live in the same town. He is a bit of a loner. He had heart surgery just over a month ago, and has just started to drive again. I put the kettle on and made us all coffee, except my spouse, as he only drinks tea. We sat around and yakked and told yarns for about 45 mins. Robert is still finding it is taking a while to regain his strength and still tires easily. I will sleep well tonight as I am still on cloud nine!

1 comment:

Hammy said...

I can well imagine.