Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Willow Kate.

Well, today I have met my brand new grand-daughter. My friend Sue and I, traveled to Keith today, and visited my daughter and her family. Willow was only born on the sixteenth, but she and her mother came home from hospital in Adelaide yesterday.
Willow is a beautiful baby, and seems quite placid. Deb rang me this morning to ask if I could buy her some bottle brushes. I asked her if she needed anything else, and she said,' only a sleeping pill for the baby.' I gather from that, the baby has not settled in to her new surroundings. Early days yet.Deb asked me if i could get her some bibs out of a catalogue, but I got some from Foodland, and they were cheaper.
I nursed Willow for quite a while, while Sue had a cup of coffee.We took some photos, and I gave Deb some flowers and other gifts, plus a big box of Ferero Rocher chos, and a card I had made for the occasion. When we left, we went to one of the bakery cafes and had lunch. Then we mooched around in some of the shops. We went into The Green Frog, which sells organic produce, and I bought some cheese. Sue bought two organic bananas. She paid nearly as much as she would have for a kilo of ordinary ones! I hope they were worth the money.

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