Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Friends to stay

The title is in a sense, a play on words, as the folk who stayed with us are Mr. & Mrs Friend.Pauline and I have been friends for 31 years. They called in the previous weekend for a 'cuppa and catch up,' as we had not seen them for some time.
Last Saterday evening, I was talking to my sister-in-law, Maureen, when I heard an incoming call beep, as I have call waiting on my phone. I did not know what to do, as I have not spoken to Maureen for a while, but the decision was taken out of my hands, as my mobile rang. It was Pauline, and she wanted to know if they could stay the night on Sunday, as they had to go to Adelaide. When they left here last week, they went to Kingston, and were then going back via Melbourne, to Townsville,where they live.
I said that would be fine, as I would put them on the sofa bed here in my study.
It turned out they had bought a car trailer on eBay, and had to go to Adelaide to pick it up. They are touring in their motor home, but have bought a small Suzuki car for when they arrive at a new destination, so they don't have to lumber around in the motor home, but they did not have a trailer for towing it.The car is at their daughter's home in Melbourne. I think.
It was fantastic to see them again, and spend more time with them.
My husband is a diabetic, and goes for a 3km walk every night, so keep fit, and keep the disease from progressing. He didn't say he was going, and Robin came in shortly after he had left and asked if he had gone for a walk. We said he had. He said he would have gone with him if he had known. Robin has not been very well, so Neville probably didn't think he would feel up to it. When Neville returned, Robin said he would have gone with him, had he known. Neville said he would go round again, as he didn't mind the walk.
Pauline and I played two games of Scrabble, and I won both. Haven't done that for some time.(Won, I mean.)
I loaned them my Adelaide street directory so they could find the place. It turned out to be one or two streets away from my sister.
They called in here for a cuppa again, and we gave them some grapes off the vine and some Granny Smith apples. I had also made them a loaf of wholemeal bread, as Robin had said the night before that it was 'good stuff'. He said that it was great, and they would come back again, Pauline said but not this year!

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