Wednesday, September 27, 2006


There is not one drop more or less in the world today, than there was when the world was created, but we humans treat it as though it is not at all important. It is vital to sustaining life, any life, and we need to be more careful how we use it. We have droughts of course, but we do not utilise it prudently when it is in abundance. It was stated in the media, by some 'bright spark', that the way to make people think more carefully how they use it, is to make them pay more for it. Why do our pollies, or contributors to the letters pages of our papers, only think in terms of money, and how much we have to pay for anything, when they are trying to solve any crisis of consumption of power, water etc. We need people in politics who have more imagination and vision, than that. I certainly do not have the answers, but we are 'screwed' enough for everything we purchase now. I don't think this is the answer. The Federal Government has now implemented a new office within the Prime Minister's Department, and Malcolm Turnbull has been given the job of CEO, to try to 'nut' out the answers. He has been quoted as saying, we will have to pay more for water. Time will tell if he can acompilsh his goal. Hopefully, it will be with more finesse than that.

1 comment:

Hammy said...

Anytime you put a tax on something or make a free item chargeable then it affects the way the item is used. Take Bunnings and the plastic bags for instance. Since they have started charging 10 cents per bag I have provided my own bag.

Making people pay for resources that were free changes the way they are abused. It is a good idea in my book. If you delve into economics you will see that it makes sense.