Sunday, May 06, 2007

Not much of a week.

I have been quite ill this week, as I reported last post, with the dreaded 'Lurgi'. It is amazing how clearly we see in hind sight. I probably should have gone to the doctor, and got some antibiotics.
I have gone through three to four different kinds of symptoms. of different kinds of colds/chest infections & sinusitis. I also had two days of horrendous Hayfever. I still have something wrong with my left eye, not sure if it is Conjuctivitis, or an allergy, and will endeavour to consult the doc this week. Ah, well, they made me of pretty tough stuff, and I have weathered this as I have all the others. Am still a bit 'stuffy' in the head, but getting better each day.
On Tuesday, Neville and his brother, Peter, travelled to Kyabram, in Victoria, for their sister's funeral. I is a five hour drive both ways. Even if I had not been sick, I would not have been able to make the journey, as I must move around sometimes, or my back and knees seize up.
On Friday, Deb and her friend, Kylie, came to do the shopping. Willow has grown considerably. In weight and length. Riley came in here and said, with his usual cheeky grin, "Look, Nana." I looked, but as I did not know what I was looking for, cast a glance in his mother's direction. She said, "His ear." It was then I noticed he had a small silver stud in his left ear! He informed me, with some alacrity, that his brother had had his done too. My comment proved beyond any shadow of doubt, that I was brought up in a totally different era. I said something along the lines of, 'It makes you look like a girl.' It turned out his Pop said something similar. We were howled down by both the girls.


Hammy said...

Oh dear. I do hope that the school bans the jewellery. I'm a bit old school myself.

Susan Ham said...

So glad we got it right , somewhere, with one of you.

Susan Ham said...

Deb told me Riley wants a tattoo. She told him not while he is under her roof!

Hammy said...

Houston, we have a problem.