Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Kids say the darndest things.

Yesterday was my birthday, and my daughter and her two boys came down, not just for that reason, she had to see someone at the local Community Health Cottage. I minded the boys for her. It made it easier for her, and it was a pleasure for me. She had told me the previous night, that the boys were very excited about coming here, and she said 'How about we make some birthday cards for Nan? ' This suggestion was greeted with much alacrity, and they set to the task. (It is comforting to know one is loved that much!)She said, 'What does Nan like?' The enthusiastic response was, 'Cats!They both did drawings for me as well. Deb downloaded some card designs from the Net, and also made envelopes from the Net. They are the best cards I have ever received. While the boys were here, Riley, who is four, picked up my deflated neck cushion, and asked what it was. I asked him what he thought it was, his instant reply was, 'Elephant ears!' I packed up laughing, and told him what it was, and tried to blow it up, to no avail. The children were no trouble, as they watched a Thomas the Tank Engine video, played with the blocks, and I read Riley a story. Then Riley watched a bit of Postman Pat on the ABC.
Today I received two parcels from my sister in Wales. She sent me numerous items, when ONE would have sufficed.
When they were going to the car to return home, Riley protested loudly he wanted to stay for 'Nan's party'. His mother told him I was not having a party. He said. Why not?' This was a sentiment echoed by by grandson in Perth, W.A. when he rang me last night. I didn't have a plausable answer for that. I MIGHT have a small one next year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you know something that I don't? Might?