Sunday, January 21, 2007

And the rains came down!

The late Country Music man, Slim Dusty, had a song called, 'And the Rains came down in July.' Well, it is only January, and boy, did they come down in some places in South Australia! Rain was forecast for Thursday of last week, but we had heard it all before, and nothing of significance had ever eventuated. We were getting low on water, and, as we run rain water through the house for everything but the toilet and auto washing machine, it was getting very dicey indeed.
At about 6.30pm on Thursday, down it came, straight down! We had 16 mm in about 10 mins, which is 64 points in the old scale, or just over half an inch. It has rained fairly steadily for the last three days, and all told we have had 249 pts. Nearly two and a half inches.Our tanks are nearly full, which is fantastic!!
We were informed a couple of weeks ago, that the El Nino weather patterns have gone, and we should revert to normal weather patterns this year. This will be great for the farmers and market gardeners, and the dams supplying the cities.Bring it on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had been meaning to ask you about this.