Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Public loos.

Nobody likes them much, but they are a nessecary evil, as the saying goes. We went to Naracoorte an Monday, and I had to use the loo. They have just had new loos built, and it was the first time I had used them. They are not at all attractive on the outside, being a dull, uninspriing dark grey. They appear to have been architcially designed. Probably by some 'new age' up and coming young male, with very little imagination. They are semicircular on the outside, and quite spacioue inside. The deco could have been more colourful, as well. They doors are painted a pale khaki green. I wonder if that was someone's idea of a joke? The seats are black, concave and hard as the hobs of hell. Most uncomfortable and quite painful to sit on. As we pay rates in this council area, I have been toying with the idea of writing to them, and telling them what I think of this aboniation.

1 comment:

Hammy said...

At least the toilets are spacious. You never know when you need the extra space.