Monday, May 01, 2006

Fun with Grandies.

This past weekend, we had the very great pleasure of one of our grandsons to stay. This does not happen very often, one reason being, the two eldest are at school, and one of them is too far away. We do not get to see this one all that often, because school takes up a lot of his time.
This weekend, Lachlan and I played Fish, (a card game) Connect Four, a game of strategy, he did a jig saw puzzle, and played games on the computer. I read him a couple of stories the first night. Saterday, he went to the Town Hall, where a clearing sale was being conducted, with his Pop, (grandpa.) Pop bought a good netball among other things, for Lachlan to play with. He bought himself some overalls, a new pair of boots, and a hat. That afternoon, we all went out to get a load of fire wood. That evening, Lachlan played with the Lego.He did some water colour painting in a big scrap book . He told me it is very quiet here. I guess he gets sick of the constant noise at home. He ate all his meals no trouble, even when I accidently put gravy on his Saterday roast, after he said he didn't like it!
He and his cousin turned six this week end. Lachlan is a very quietly spoken lovely boy. He said he had a good time.

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