Monday, April 04, 2005

Princess Mary

Well, now I have heard it all! Princess Mary is 'too glamourous' for the Danes. The courtiers, anyway. They think she will 'upstage' Prince Frederick, like Princess Diana did Charles. The courtiers do admit it is not her fault if the paparazzi follow and photograph her as much as they do, but, it has to be nipped in the bud. I do not think Frederick is as self centred or insecure a navel gazer as Charlie, so I doubt that he is fazed by her popularity. He seems to be very comfortable in his skin, and very proud of his wife. I think she is doing, and will continue to do a fabulous job, but she had better produce a heir before long, or that will be the next thing she will be lambasted for. I would not want to be a member of any Royal Family as your life is not your own.

Single Mums.

It seems our Treasurer wants to have his cake and eat it. He says on the one hand he is all for families, then, on the other hand, he says single mums are a drain on our society and should go back to work, even if only part time, as soon as their children are of school age. I saw an interview on ACA with a few single mums, and agree he should get a reality check and come out of his ivory tower and smell the nappies and see how hard it is to raise even one child on his own. Especially on the pittance they get, in comparison with the salary he gets. He said a society that allows them to stay at home is far too generous, and it is inappropriate to allow it to continue. It is nigh on impossilbe to find child care places, and, if they are lucky enough to find one, it eats up most of what they earn, anyway.
I know there are a few young women that have multiple children just to get a big handout, but I do not believe that the majority of them do. All the women interviewed said they wanted to work outside the home, but it just is not feasable while their children are so young. Most work places do not have the facilities for single mums to bring their children to work place creches, and most bosses it seems are not inclined to facilitate them, especially if the child/children get sick etc.

1 comment:

Hammy said...

I agree somewhat with our Treasurer. If you are a single mum and your kid is going to school then you have a bit of time on your hands. Places are difficult to get though, especially in the country, and so it would be unreasonable to foist this on every single mum. Even non-single mums find it difficult to get into the workforce when there is a kid to worry about.

Prince Frederick has less of the attention focussed on himself and seems to enjoy the situation. The popularity of the Danish Royal Family is on the rise and they should be greatful for that. Don't have anything to complain about.