Friday, April 29, 2005

Our Justice System

That which passes for a justice system in this country, is, as some have called it, a joke, though the people who seek justice, are not laughing. A case in point involves a hit & run that occured two years ago in this state. A lawyer & former police officer, had enjoyed lunch with family & friends. He has openly addmitted they consumed between them, three bottles of wine. Later that night, he hit & killed a cyclist & failed to stop & render assistance, but drove his large 4WD to his mother's house in the country. He gave himself up the next morning, but as has been revealed, the sargeant in charge 'overlooked' the requirement of either breath testing him or getting a blood sample. All through his trial he has been stony faced when anyone was looking. There has never been any sign of emotion or remorse. He is said to be suffering Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, from some previous incident. He was fined $3,100 & a twelve month licence suspension.
This morning, plastered over the front page of The Advertiser, is a picture of him & one of his legal team, laughing after sentance was passed, preumably.
Our Premier has called him ' a white feather coward', among other things.
The lenient sentance was bad enough for the family of his victim to take, how galling is this photo? It has been proven over & over again, if you have friends in high places you will nearly always get a soft sentance, but the little people go to jail for much lesser offences.
Jonh Howard.
This guy gets worse by the day. Is there no end to his ego trips? He is overseas again, somewhere, doing goodness knows what, & H.M.A.S. Kanimbla is steaming home as I write, bringing our brave Defence Force Personnel home , after they have been in Indonesia doing great humanitarian things. Little Johnny has had the ship delayed for a few hours, so he can fly home in time to greet them in Sydney! The guy missed his calling. He should have been a Stage Manager in show business! Why should these good people & their families have to wait on the whims of this man's ego?


Hammy said...

There was a bloke in Kalgoorlie recently who caught some Aboriginal kids breaking into his sports centre and so he shot one in the bum with an air rifle. He got 18 months jail for it. I think that the kid won't be spending much time in the clink. Where is the justice in that?

me said...

There is a girl in my country(Iran) who is sentensed to death because she has confessed that she had sex with his brothers(who raped him but they didnt admit that they had sex with her!) and at the same time the brothers_because they had not confessed to the crime_ are free out of prison....this is horrible,the girl is only 19 and Islamic laws say if somebody confess to sex with her brothers/sisters 4 times,she will be executed!!!!Where is the justice???I just dont understand!!horrible!