Friday, August 22, 2008

Smiley Riley. Funny kid.

Yesterday, I was talking to my daughter on the mobile, (cell phone) and she said her eldest wished to speak to me. She gave him the phone, but he is not the best of speakers, and it was hard to have a conversation with him as I had to ask questions so he could answer them. She then said Riley wished to speak to me. He is a bright little sprite and not lost for words at any time. He has a grin fixed permanently on his face.
Riley said, "Hullo, Nanna. (ooh I hate being called that but they have always done it because their father won't listen when I protest.) He then said, "Thank you for the Shrek stuff, Nanna." I said that was a pleasure, and I would be buying more of it soon. I told him it comes on sale once a fortnight. I explained that is every second week. He said, "Every second week. I'll ask Mum." He duly asked his mother, and she confirmed what I said. He came back and said, "Yes, that is right , Nanna, every two weeks." I fell about laughing, he is such a trick. I love that boy, I just love him!
The Shrek stuff is an activity book and stickers etc the children can collect and enjoy.

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