Saturday, August 30, 2008

Daylight Saving. Bah, Humbug!

I have never been a supporter of this inovation, and am dismayed to read in the daily press yesterday, we are to have it for longer this time round. I read it will start on October 5th, and end on April 5th. I may be being narrow minded but, Summer in this country is from Dec1 to February 28th . It will not be of any advantage to extend it beyond the end of March, which in my opinion, is too long anyway. It is not natural.
I have no objection to people having fun after a hard week's work, but this is ridiculous!
There was a survey on the internet asking what people thought about the extension of daylight saving, and the majority said it was great, would make Summer more fun.
The point is, it will be half way through Autumn when it is finished. I can't see how it will be cost effective, as people will be getting up in the dark and having to use more electricity for longer.
It is not going to help the environment either because of that.

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